Results for 'Luis S. R. Vas'

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  1.  17
    The mind of J. Krishnamurti.Luis S. R. Vas - 1971 - Bombay,: Jaico Pub. House.
    recover that lost impetus, that onward movement of creativeness, which is of its very essence of Life. Full self-realization can only be opened up to it, ...
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    Pensando bem: estudos de sociologia e antropologia da moral.Alexandre Werneck & Luís R. Cardoso de Oliveira (eds.) - 2014 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Casa da Palavra.
    Este livro é o resultado de três anos de debates entre estudiosos interessados em entender o modo como diferentes dimensões da vida podem ser lidas sob a perspectiva da moral. Afinal, embora este tenha sido sempre um tema importante para a sociologia e a antropologia, raros têm sido os esforços brasileiros para a realização de pesquisas empíricas nessa área. Considerando essa lacuna, os autores dos 22 ensaios que fazem parte de Pensando bem se concentram na discussão prática da moral tomada (...)
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  3. Miradas concurrentes: la antropología en el diálogo interdisciplinario.Virginia García Acosta, Guillermo de la Peña & Luís R. Cardoso de Oliveira (eds.) - 2013 - México, D.F.: CONACYT, Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología.
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    (1 other version)Du musée-écrin au musée-objet.Joseph R. Moukarzel - 2011 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 61 (3):, [ p.].
    Les musées contemporains sont en pleine mutation, ils passent du statut de « temples de l’art et de la culture » à celui de pourvoyeurs d’activités culturelles et ludiques. Censés instruire, ils s’engagent dans la voie controversée de plaire en vue d’exister, le but ultime étant de drainer le plus de « clients » possible pour assurer la continuation. Et dans la mouvance, ils n’hésitent pas à s’exporter au même titre que les enseignes commerciales vers des cités-nations à la recherche (...)
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    Enigmas in Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa explained.Krishna Murthy & R. S. - 2015 - Delhi: Pratibha Prakashan.
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    Index to Volume LX (Fall 2007-Summer 2008).R. S. Thomas & Jorge Luis Borges - 2007 - Renascence 2008 (1):72-74.
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    Śāstravādāvaliḥ.Ār Vāsudēvanpōt̲t̲i - 2018 - Kochi, Kerala: Sukr̥tīndra Oriental Research Institute.
    On theories in Indian Philosophical Systems.
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  8. Deontological evidentialism, wide-scope, and privileged values.Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (2):485-506.
    Deontological evidentialism is the claim that we ought to form and maintain our beliefs in accordance with our evidence. In this paper, I criticize two arguments in its defense. I begin by discussing Berit Broogard’s use of the distinction between narrow-scope and wide-scope requirements against W.K. Clifford’s moral defense of. I then use this very distinction against a defense of inspired by Stephen Grimm’s more recent claims about the moral source of epistemic normativity. I use this distinction once again to (...)
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    Durūs-i manṭiq va falsafah.Muḥammad Kāẓim ʻAṣṣār - 2004 - Qum: Būstān-i Kitāb-i Qum. Edited by Aḥmad ʻĀbidī.
  10.  49
    Diseño de procedimientos para la calibración de unidades electroquirúrgicas de alta frecuencia.Luís Gregorio Meza Contreras, R. Llamosa, Luis Enrique, S. Jiménez & Carlos Andrés - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  11. Agency and Reasons in Epistemology.Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2016 - Dissertation, University of Massachusetts Amherst
    Ever since John Locke, philosophers have discussed the possibility of a normative epistemology: are there epistemic obligations binding the cognitive economy of belief and disbelief? Locke's influential answer was evidentialist: we have an epistemic obligation to believe in accordance with our evidence. In this dissertation, I place the contemporary literature on agency and reasons at the service of some such normative epistemology. I discuss the semantics of obligations, the connection between obligations and reasons to believe, the implausibility of Lockean evidentialism, (...)
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  12. Aṣālat dar hunar va ʻilal-i inḥirāf-i iḥsās-i hunarmand.Aḥmad Ṣabūr Urdūbādī - 1968 - [1346 i.: E..
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  13. Śrīvētānta Tēcikarum Śrīmaṇavāḷa Māmun̲ikaḷum: vāl̲kkai varalār̲u.Kāl̲iyūr Cēṣātri Maṇavāḷan̲ - 1984 - Cen̲n̲ai: Kiṭaikkumiṭam Cukantā Veḷiyīṭukaḷ.
    Lives and work of Veṅkaṭanātha (Vedantadesika), 1268-1369, and Maṇavāḷa Māmun̲i, 1370-1444, Vaishnavite leaders and exponents of the Viśiṣṭādvaita school in Hindu philosophy from Tamil Nadu.
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  14. Non-Agential Permissibility In Epistemology.Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93 (2):389-394.
    Paul Silva has recently argued that doxastic justification does not have a basing requirement. An important part of his argument depends on the assumption that doxastic and moral permissibility have a parallel structure. I here reply to Silva's argument by challenging this assumption. I claim that moral permissibility is an agential notion, while doxastic permissibility is not. I then briefly explore the nature of these notions and briefly consider their implications for praise and blame.
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  15.  34
    Common Sense Metaphysics: Essays in Honor of Lynne Rudder Baker.Luis R. G. Oliveira & Kevin Corcoran (eds.) - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Lynne Baker was a trenchant critic of reductionist and physicalist conceptions of the universe, as well as the foremost defender of the constitution view of human persons. Baker was a staunch defender of a kind of practical realism, or what she sometimes called a metaphysics of everyday life. And it was this general “common sense” philosophical outlook that underwrote her non-reductionist, constitution view of reality. Whereas most of her contemporaries were given to metaphysical reductionism and eliminativism, born of a penchant (...)
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  16. Sceptical Theism and the Paradox of Evil.Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2020 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 98 (2):319-333.
    Given plausible assumptions about the nature of evidence and undercutting defeat, many believe that the force of the evidential problem of evil depends on sceptical theism’s being false: if evil is...
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  17. God and gratuitous evil: Between the rock and the hard place.Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2023 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 94 (3):317-345.
    To most of us – believers and non-believers alike – the possibility of a perfect God co-existing with the kinds of evil that we see calls out for explanation. It is unsurprising, therefore, that the belief that God must have justifying reasons for allowing all the evil that we see has been a perennial feature of theistic thought. Recently, however, a growing number of authors have argued that the existence of a perfect God is compatible with the existence of gratuitous (...)
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  18. Deontological evidentialism and ought implies can.Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (10):2567-2582.
    Deontological evidentialism is the claim that S ought to form or maintain S’s beliefs in accordance with S’s evidence. A promising argument for this view turns on the premise that consideration c is a normative reason for S to form or maintain a belief that p only if c is evidence that p is true. In this paper, I discuss the surprising relation between a recently influential argument for this key premise and the principle that ought implies can. I argue (...)
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  19. Ampliative Transmission and Deontological Internalism.Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2018 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 99 (2):174-185.
    Deontological internalism is the family of views where justification is a positive deontological appraisal of someone's epistemic agency: S is justified, that is, when S is blameless, praiseworthy, or responsible in believing that p. Brian Weatherson discusses very briefly how a plausible principle of ampliative transmission reveals a worry for versions of deontological internalism formulated in terms of epistemic blame. Weatherson denies, however, that similar principles reveal similar worries for other versions. I disagree. In this article, I argue that plausible (...)
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  20. Evading the Doxastic Puzzle by Deflating Epistemic Normativity.Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2020 - In Scott Stapleford & Kevin McCain (eds.), Epistemic Duties: New Arguments, New Angles. New York: Routledge. pp. 44-62.
    What I call the Doxastic Puzzle, is the impression that while each of these claims seems true, at least one of them must be false: (a) Claims of the form ‘S ought to have doxastic attitude D towards p at t’ are sometimes true at t, (b) If Φ-ing at t is not within S’s effective control at t, then it is false, at t, that ‘S ought to Φ at t’, (c) For all S, p, and t, having doxastic (...)
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  21.  43
    Review of Jon Williamson's "In Defense of Objective Bayesianism". [REVIEW]Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2010 - Mathematical Association of America.
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    Khudā va dīn dar rūykardī ūmānīstī.Maryam Ṣāniʻʹpūr - 2003 - [Tihrān]: Muʼassasah-i Farhangī-i Dānish va Andīshah-i Muʻ̄āṣir.
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  23. Clifford, William Kingdon.Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2021 - In Stewart Goetz & Charles Taliaferro (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Religion. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
    W.K. Clifford’s famous 1876 essay The Ethics of Belief contains one of the most memorable lines in the history of philosophy: "it is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence." The challenge to religious belief stemming from this moralized version of evidentialism is still widely discussed today.
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    The liberating philosophy of Ignacio Ellacuría: historical reality, humanism, and praxis.Martínez Vásquez, Luis Arturo, Randall Carrera Umaña, Díaz Cepeda & Luis Rubén (eds.) - 2024 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This collection explores the core concepts of Ignacio Ellacuría's liberating philosophy; his critique of ideologies and continuity with critical theory; his philosophical anthropology and humanism; and the implications that praxis has for philosophical thought.
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    Development of an expressed sequence tag resource for wheat : EST generation, unigene analysis, probe selection and bioinformatics for a 16,000-locus bin-delineated map. [REVIEW]G. R. Lazo, S. Chao, D. D. Hummel, H. Edwards, C. C. Crossman, N. Lui, D. E. Matthews, V. L. Carollo, D. L. Hane, F. M. You, G. E. Butler, R. E. Miller, T. J. Close, J. H. Peng, N. L. V. Lapitan, J. P. Gustafson, L. L. Qi, B. Echalier, B. S. Gill, M. Dilbirligi, H. S. Randhawa, K. S. Gill, R. A. Greene, M. E. Sorrells, E. D. Akhunov, J. Dvořák, A. M. Linkiewicz, J. Dubcovsky, K. G. Hossain, V. Kalavacharla, S. F. Kianian, A. A. Mahmoud, Miftahudin, X. -F. Ma, E. J. Conley, J. A. Anderson, M. S. Pathan, H. T. Nguyen, P. E. McGuire, C. O. Qualset & O. D. Anderson - unknown
    This report describes the rationale, approaches, organization, and resource development leading to a large-scale deletion bin map of the hexaploid wheat genome. Accompanying reports in this issue detail results from chromosome bin-mapping of expressed sequence tags representing genes onto the seven homoeologous chromosome groups and a global analysis of the entire mapped wheat EST data set. Among the resources developed were the first extensive public wheat EST collection. Described are protocols for sequencing, sequence processing, EST nomenclature, and the assembly of (...)
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    Falsafah-ʼi akhlāq va dīn.Maryam Ṣāniʻʹpūr - 2003 - Tihrān: Āftāb-i Tawsiʻah.
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  27. Hermeneutic Injustices: Practical and Epistemic.Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2021 - In Andreas Mauz & Christiane Tietz (eds.), Interpretation und Geltung. Brill. pp. 107-123.
    Hermeneutical injustices, according to Miranda Fricker, are injustices that occur “when a gap in collective interpretive resources puts someone at an unfair disadvantage when it comes to making sense of their social experiences” (Fricker 2007, 1). For Fricker, the relevant injustice in these cases is the very lack of knowledge and understanding experienced by the subject. In this way, hermeneutical injustices are instances of epistemic injustices, the kind of injustice that “wrongs someone in their capacity as a subject of knowledge” (...)
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  28. Hunar-i insān būdan: naqsh-i tarbīyatī-i ʻādat.Aḥmad Ṣabūr Urdūbādī - 1981 - [Tehran]: Intishārāt-i Hudá.
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  29.  20
    Does Prefrontal Glutamate Index Cognitive Changes in Parkinson’s Disease?Isabelle Buard, Natalie Lopez-Esquibel, Finnuella J. Carey, Mark S. Brown, Luis D. Medina, Eugene Kronberg, Christine S. Martin, Sarah Rogers, Samantha K. Holden, Michael R. Greher & Benzi M. Kluger - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    IntroductionCognitive impairment is a highly prevalent non-motor feature of Parkinson’s disease. A better understanding of the underlying pathophysiology may help in identifying therapeutic targets to prevent or treat dementia. This study sought to identify metabolic alterations in the prefrontal cortex, a key region for cognitive functioning that has been implicated in cognitive dysfunction in PD.MethodsProton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy was used to investigate metabolic changes in the PFC of a cohort of cognitively normal individuals without PD, as well as PD participants (...)
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  30. Mahāvākyaratnaprabhāvaḷiḥ.Vempaṭi Ammanna Śāstri, Vempaṭi Viśvēśvararāvu & Hari Śivakumār (eds.) - 1988 - Vijayavāḍa: Pratulaku, Vempaṭi Viśvēśvararāvu.
    On Vedantic way of living, with paraphrase in Telugu.
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  31.  18
    Julia Iribarne como traductora.Luis R. Rabanaque - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 6:233.
    El artículo comienza con una consideración general en torno a la traducción inspirada en las reflexiones de Hans-Georg Gadamer. Se enfatiza el hecho de que la traducción no es simplemente un reflejo especular del texto original sino una sobreiluminación que oscila entre la participación en la cosa que se discute y la traición al sentido traducido. Una segunda sección está dedicada a la obra de Julia Iribarne como traductora de artículos y libros filosóficos. Se subrayan tanto su carácter de experta (...)
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  32.  57
    Propositional and Doxastic Justification: New Essays on their Nature and Significance.Paul Silva & Luis R. G. Oliveira (eds.) - 2022 - New York: Routledge.
    The distinction between propositional and doxastic justification has been of undisputed theoretical importance in a wide range of contemporary epistemological debates. Yet there are a host of intimately related issues that have rarely been discussed in connection with this distinction. For instance, the distinction not only applies to an individual’s beliefs, but also to group beliefs and to various other attitudes that both groups and individuals can take: credence, commitment, suspension, faith, and hope. Moreover, discussions of propositional and doxastic justification (...)
  33.  52
    Review of David Papineau's "Philosophical Devices". [REVIEW]Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2014 - Mathematical Association of America.
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    Rāghib Iṣfahānī: zindagī va ās̲ār-i ū.ʻAlī Mīr Lawḥī - 2007 - Iṣfahān: Sāzmān-i Farhangī Tafrīḥī-i Shahrdārī-i Iṣfahān.
  35. The Taittirīyopaniṣad bhāṣya-vārtika of Sureśvara.R. Balasubramanian (ed.) - 1974 - Madras: Centre for Advanced Study in Philosophy, University of Madras.
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  36. Mathie, VA, Beins, B., Benjamin, LT, Jr., Ewing, MM, Hall, C. CI, Henderson, B., McAdam, DW, & Smith, RA (1993). Promoting active learning in psychology courses. In TV McGovern (Ed.), Handbook for enhancing undergraduate education in psychology (pp. 183–214). Washington, DC: American Psycho. [REVIEW]W. S. Messer, R. A. Griggs & S. L. Jackson - 1991 - In Stephen Everson (ed.), Psychology: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 2. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 21--69.
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    Vātsyāyana's Commentary on the Nyāyā-sūtra: a guide.Matthew R. Dasti - 2023 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Vatsyayana's Commentary on the Nyaya-sutra is one of classical India's most important philosophical works. This Guide offers both a map and interpretation of this challenging canonical text, suitable for any student or novice reader. Treating them as a single hybrid text, the Nyaya-sutra with Vatsyayana's commentary systematizes in skeletal form centuries of ancient Indian philosophical developments concerning logic, epistemology, and dialectics, while also defending a realist categorial metaphysics. It offers a number of epistemological and methodological insights that inform intellectual inquiry (...)
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  38.  16
    Ghiyās̲ al-Dīn Manṣūr Dashtakī va falsafah-ʼi ʻirfān: Manāzil al-sāʼirīn va maqāmāt al-ʻārifīn.Dashtakī Shīrāzī & Ghiyāth al-Dīn Manṣūr - 2008 - Tihrān: Intishārāt-i Farhangistān-i Hunar. Edited by Qāsim Kākāʼī.
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    Darbārah-ʼi ẓuhūr va ʻalāʼim-i ẓuhūr.Ṣādiq Hidāyat - 2005 - Tihrān: Usṭūrah. Edited by Ḥasan Qāʼimiyān & Nūr al-Dīn Nūrī.
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  40. Ṣaḥīḥ Buk̲h̲ārī sharīf ke ek sau ʻibrat āmez vāqiʻāt: ʻulūm o maʻārif aur mauʻiz̤at o naṣīḥat se bharpūr.Muḥammad Ilyās Muz̤āhirī - 2010 - Campāran: Shuʻbah-yi Nashr o Ishāʻat, Jāmiʻah Zakariyā.
    On Islamic religious life and Islamic ethics in view of various Islamic stories.
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  41.  8
    Mullā Ṣadrā-yi Shīrāzī va tafsīrash.Majīd Fallāḥʹpūr - 2011 - Tihrān: Khānah-i Kitāb. Edited by Akbar S̲aqafiyān & ʻAlī Awjabī.
  42.  8
    Ṣayrūrat dar falsafah-ʼi Mullā Ṣadrā va Higil.Muḥammad Manṣūr Hāshimī - 2005 - Tihrān: Intishārāt-i Kavīr.
    Evolution in philosophy, according to the views of Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrāzī, 1641 and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, 1770-1831; Islamic philosophy and ethics.
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  43.  12
    Qāf-i bīʹnishānʹhā: bīst nāmah-i ʻirfānī bih dastkhaṭṭ-i marḥūm Ḥāj shaykh ʻAlī Miqdādī Iṣfahānī farzand-i munḥaṣir bih fard-i Ḥājj Shaykh Ḥasan ʻAlī (maʻrūf bih Nukhūdakī) bih yak az shāgirdān, hamrāh bā ṣadʹhā ḥikāyāt-i akhlāqī va ʻirfānī va ashʻār-i nāb.ʻAlī Turābiyānʹpūr - 2013 - [Tihrān]: Nashr-i Jumhūrī. Edited by ʻAlī Turābiyānʹpūr.
    Miqdādī Iṣfahānī, ʻAlī - Correspondence ; Islamic ethics ; Sufi poetry, Persian.
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    Falāṭūrī.ʻAbbās Rafīʻīʹpūr & Abdoldjavad Falaturi (eds.) - 2005 - Qum: Dalīl-i Mā.
    jild-i 1. Chand maqālah darbārah-ʼi maqāmāt-i [i.e. maqālāt] ʻilmī, va mujāhadāt-i farhangī, va khadamāt-i Islāmī-i ū-- -- jild-i 2. Chand maqālah az Prūfisūr ʻAbd al-Javād Falāṭūrī Iṣfahānī.
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  45. Deception as aggression : Salvador dali and Luis buñuel's un Chien andalou.R. Bruce Elder - 2009 - In Leslie Anne Boldt-Irons, Corrado Federici & Ernesto Virgulti (eds.), Disguise, Deception, Trompe-L'oeil: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Peter Lang.
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    Bhartrhari's Vākyapadīya: its linguistic and literary implications with special reference to modern English poetry.R. Anitha - 2010 - Kochi: Sukr̥tīndra Oriental Research Institute.
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    Jahānʹbīnī va andīshahʹhā-yi falsafī-i Abū Naṣr Fārābī =.Qand Āqā Ṣāḥibʹzādah - 2017 - Kābul: Akādimī-i ʻUlūm-i Afghānistān. Edited by Sulṭānī Mangal & Mīrzā Muḥammad Lūdī.
  48.  22
    (1 other version)¿Está presente el problema de las otras mentes en la filosofía de R. Descartes?M. Luis G. Castro - 2017 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de la Ideas 11:47-56.
    The aim of the essay is to analyze the passages of the Cartesian oeuvre which could be related to the problem of other minds. After a brief presentation of the problem and what is known as the argument from analogy, we show that what we will call the automata passage is not an acknowledgement of the problem. Next, we raise a way of generating the problem, to show how it could be approached from Descartes’s works.
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    Mīr-i ḥikmat: dar bayān-i aḥvāl, ās̲ār va ārāʼ-i ḥakīm Abū al-Qāsim Mīr Findariskī.Ḥusayn Kalbāsī Ashtarī - 2009 - Tihrān: Farhangistān-i Hunar-i Jumhūrī-i Islāmī-i Īrān.
  50. (1 other version)Tārīkh-i falsafah-ʼi siyāsī, yā, Sayr-i tārīkhī-i afkār va ʻaqāyid-i siyāsī az āghāz-i tārīkh tā zamān-i muʻāṣir: bi-z̤amīmah-i qaṭʻāt-i muntakhabah az matn-i ās̲ār-i falāsifah-i siyāsī.Bahāʼ al-Dīn Pāzārgād - 1954 - [Tehran?: [S.N.].
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